PLASTIC. According to the second entry on the urban dictionary,
this word means, someone who is fake or has a false type of character.
I am blessed to have a lot of friends. There were many down moments in my life that I wouldn’t have survived had I not have all the friends that I
have support me. And for them, I will forever be thankful. BUT, just as I
had enemies who I am thankful I am friends with now, I have “friends” that I
wish I NEVER EVER met. Those people you wish remained as strangers. People you
wouldn’t be bothered being enemies with.
There are a few reasons why some of us remain “friends” with
people whom we really want to push off the train track and watch as the ground
open and hell eat them ala-drag me to hell (that movie has a bad ending,
doesn’t it?). Anyway, to name a few of these reasons, we have:
1. Sign of gratitude (UTANG NA LOOB)
I hate this feeling. But you know how it is when someone was the
only way you could’ve gotten through something really difficult, and though you
will forever be grateful for the help he/she gave, you honestly also want to
totally delete him/her out of your life. If only that will not make YOU look
like a big ahole.
None of us wants to be tagged with the word “ungrateful.” I think
most of us, if not all of us, will never want to be called that word. If you
did something for me whether I asked for your help or you just willingly gave a
helping hand, I will forever be grateful. But gratefulness can only last too
long. Let me explain why I say so. If a person starts to treat you like shit
after helping you or even worse, because he/she thinks you owe them your life, then doesn’t that give you enough reason why you can start
to fade away from that person’s life? One can only haunt someone so much for
all the “nice” things done for him/her. A person can choose not to do shit for
someone anyway. But if you choose to do good things for someone with the hopes
that you can make the person be your slave all your life, then my middle finger
goes to you.
2. Family friend
You grew up knowing them because they are friends with your mom/dad. You
don’t like them, but you have no choice but to be extra nice to them when they
are around. Some of them may even be “feeling close” that they
become a little too intruding about your personal life. But what can you do,
but to be very respectful to them, and just smile and be friendly. You may
dislike them, but you clearly do not want them and your parents (or whoever
from your family is close to them) to have a misunderstanding if you try to
pull a bitch fit in front of them. Right?
3. They are your boyfriend/girlfriend’s friend OR he/she is your friend's girlfriend/boyfriend
You hang out one time because they boyfriend/girlfriend took you
with him/her on a night out with his/her friends, and now you are forced
to accept friend requests from people you barely know. Forced to share with
them some of your most personal photos and most precious moments. What the hey.
But you got to do it.
4. You like/love the people who this frenemy knows
Okay, you hate him/her, but you like his/her family. You
absolutely despise him/her, but you love all of his friends who are now your
friends because he/she introduced them to you. And as a sign of respect, you
kind of let the “friendship” stay just so you will not lose your connection
with the other friends you’ve made because of this ahole you know. Oh isn’t
that a pickle.
5. You will always bump into him/her so might as well pretend
You live close to each other, or if you luckier, you share the
same flat, you're officemates or better your work stations are right next each other. And there is no way in hell you are going to go through some awkward
moments of the two of you bumping into each other and not wanting to talk; way
to much drama than what you want in the menu. So what to do but to just pretend
that you still like him as a person (because you know you’d appreciate him more
had he been a foot rest) and just go on with life.
I could go on with the reasons, but at least for this entry, I
will stop at 5. I may be raising some eyebrows right now, and maybe there are
those who are completely agreeing to every single point I just raised. If you
are the former, then I really don’t care. The truth is, all these happen, and
it happens to most of us. And though the saying goes, “Honesty is the best
policy”, who can really tell when being honest would be most helpful and when being
a little bit plastic will come in handy?
- A!